
Counting fence

Freshwater mussels inventory

Electro Fishing

Electro fishing is a popular method used to estimate fish abundance and diversity in a river. It is often used to catch fish from a predetermined section of a river. The section is fished using an electro fishing probe, which produce an electrical current, stunning the fish for a few seconds, and they can be easily retrieved with dip net. The fish are usually held in a bucket where they are identified, counted and subject to other procedures if requested.


By-catch survey (Gaspereau, Eel and Smelt)

This survey helps to determine if commercial fishing has a impact on various by-catch such as trout and salmon populations. The survey takes places while commercial fishermen are gathering their catch. By-catch is identified, counted and then released.


Invertebrates Monitoring

Invertebrates are excellent bio-indicators of the river water-quality and food sources for Atlantic salmon and Brook Trout. Invertebrates sampling in conjunction with water quality analysis helps to determine the effects of human activities on the in stream aquatic life at a site-specific. The species identifications helps us demonstrate that certain groups of stream macro-invertebrates have different tolerances to pollution witch they are use to indicates if the site and how long as it been impacted by a source of pollution.


Community aquatic monitoring program (CAMP)

Each spring, we collect important data that helps to monitor the present health status of Bouctouche and Cocange estuary. Scientific procedures require that the program replicate the sampling regime at each site and estuary location each year. From May through September, community group members and staff sample 6 stations monthly in their designated estuary.

Biological data is collected with beach seines that capture and later release live, small fish and crustaceans. From this, the community groups provide important information, such as: identification of fish and crustacean species; numbers of fish and crustaceans; water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen; general aquatic vegetation profiles; sediment samples and water samples.

With this information, scientists working with government agencies and universities can undertake nutrient analyses, organic loading assessments, and changes in of the aquatic community structure. With this in hand, identification of cause may be determined and actions put into place to mitigate potential negative impacts.